Aerial view 2018 summer flight infrared

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset description

Within the municipality of Nijmegen, aerial photographs are taken annually of Nijmegen’s territory. The aerial photograph contains a geographical representation of the municipality of Nijmegen and is an important source of information for various processes within the municipality. The Basic and Geo Information Department is responsible for the annual procurement of the aerial photographs and is involved in regional and national cooperation projects from this role. In cooperation with several municipalities, the contract is awarded to a tenderer on the basis of an ENVI (most economically advantageous tender) each year through a European tender. This recording was made by Slagboom and Peeters Aerial Photography, and is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license. This dataset contains a geographical representation of the municipality of Nijmegen. The dataset is offered in two resolutions. It is also possible to specify a resolution yourself by adjusting the width and height arguments of the URL. Please note that the requested image cannot be larger than 4000 by 4000 pixels and cannot be larger than approximately 30 Mb. The CIR aerial photo (Colour Infra Red) is a detailed aerial photo, but with a different color distribution than the commonly used RGB aerial photo. The photo consists mainly of shades of red and grey. This color distribution can make it easier to better recognise and analyse certain objects. Think of analysing landscapes or monitoring vegetation. Technical information: — Resolution: 25 cm/pixel — Color system: RGB —Long overlap: 60 % — Transverse overlap: 30 % — Aerial images have been corrected for perspective image deviations — The ‘overturn effect’ at ground level has been corrected by means of an appropriate height model. This dataset is offered as OGC:WMS-service. In addition, it is possible to download the data directly in two resolutions (png file format).
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