This table provides information on the average number of employees’ jobs in December by enterprise size and economic activity.
The information on company size and economic activities (Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SBI2008)) is taken from the CBS General Register of Companies (ABR). The jobs of employees per company are determined from the wage declaration chain (Polisadministratie) of the Tax Department and the UWV.
The sector of the runway comes from the CBS General Business Register (ABR). The ABR contains business data per business unit. Until 2014, some corrections were made to the processing of the Polis files. This mainly concerned the SIC 64200 (Financial holding companies). If the Polis files’ brand code deviated from the SIC 64200, this SIC was encoded to a code that was more consistent with the brand code. After 2014, this re-encoding is no longer applied. The break resulting from this is visible in the selection in the “Financial services” sector and mainly concerns director-large shareholders.
The growth in financial services in 2015 is due to this administrative change.
Data available from: 2010
Status of the figures:
This table provides preliminary figures for the most recent reporting year. For each annual update, provisional figures from a reporting year are updated with a final version for the same year and a provisional version of a new reporting year is published. The final figures are in principle no longer updated, except where the source is still significantly altered. This can in principle be up to five years after the end of a reporting year.
Amendments as of 5 November 2021:
The further provisional figures for 2019 and the provisional figures for 2020 have been added.
The 2018 figures have become definitive.
When will there be new figures?
The provisional figures for the year 2021 will be published in the fourth quarter of 2022.
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