This table was published once and ended on 29 November 2017. The reason for this is that this table can no longer be updated due to a modified study design. The content of this table overlaps with the replacement, more up-to-date tables relating to company training, see paragraph 3.
This table contains part of the results of the company training research: the training policy of companies and the presence of apprenticeships.
In the table, the data can be divided into the following characteristics:
— business class according to the SBI'93;
— size class workers.
Data available for the year 2005
Frequency: one time.
Status of the figures:
The figures are final.
Changes as of 30 November 2017:
Table has been discontinued.
When are new figures coming?
Table has been discontinued. Figures for newer years are included in the Business Training tables; participation, costs and policies and Business training; key figures, see paragraph 3.
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