Dataset information
Dataset description
Within the framework of environmental statistics, CBS collects figures on the use of chemical pesticides by government agencies.
The use of pesticides is useful in the management of public land, but it also poses an environmental hazard.
Public institutions can be expected to lead by example.The public authorities concerned are:
municipalities, water boards, provincial institutions, Rail Infrastructure Management, Rijkswaterstaat and the Ministry of Defence. All these governments are active in the field management.
The pesticide use table shows the total use of resources, but also the use per group of products, such as against insects, or against weeds. The use is expressed in kg of active substance, a percentage of the commercial product.For weed control, the use is shown for the most important substances in size.
The data is further grouped by application sector, such as plantations, sports fields and pavements.
Data available from:
To know:
1992, 1995, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2018.
irregular, once every 3 to 6 years.
Frequency per 4 is pursued.
Status of the figures:
it’s definitely.
Amendment as of 21 March 2023:
None, this table has been discontinued.
Amendment as of 31 March 2022:
The underlying codings of the classifications (Pesticides) used in this table have been adjusted.
These are now in line with the standard coding established by CBS.
The structure and data of the table have not been modified.
Changes as of 15 October 2019
None, this is a successor to the table Chemical control by government agencies, see paragraph 3
Changes as of 29 August 2019:
The figures for 2018 have been added.
In municipalities, similar municipalities have been estimated from the land use statistics.
Changes as of 29 September 2017:
— the figures for 2013 have been added.
— municipalities have been estimated with response data from 2009 and data from (by province and size class) comparable municipalities from the land use statistics.
When are new figures coming?
No longer applicable.
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