Civil engineering works; input price index 2000 = 100, from 1979

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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The historical series 'Civil Engineering; input price index 2000=100, since 1979' represents the trend of the costs of labour, material and equipment involved in projects in various areas of civil engineering (in Dutch: Land, Road and Water Construction (GWW) in the Netherlands. This series was created by linking independently calculated series from the past. At this moment, there are eight areas within civil engineering. These areas are based on the standard Classification Products to Activity (CPA). There is also one area of which the observation has stopped. For each area a series is calculated on the price developments of various cost components of which the product to be realised -in this case a civil engineering project- is constructed.. The price index for the total of civil engineering is a weighted average of the eight areas. The published price indices of civil engineering are based on the average price level of the month in question. Changes in the overall costs and ‘profit and risks’ are not tasks into account. Changes in excise duties (such as that of diesel, used in civil engineering works, from 1/1/2013) are also not reflected in the price indices. Changes compared with twelve months previously are also published for all indices. Data available from: The various series of price indices of Civil Engineering cover different periods. Some start in 1979, while others start at the shift to 2000=100. For each series, the period for which it contains figures is given below: — Constructions for fluids: February 1979 — Road construction: February 1979 — Road maintenance: February 1979; discontinued from October 2004 — Site preparation works: February 1979 — Civil engineering works: January 2000 — Bridges and tunnels: January 2000 — Railways and underground railways: January 2000 — Constructions for water projects: January 2000 — Electrical installation works: January 2005 Status of the figures: Index figures up to 2020 are definite. Other index figures are provisional. The period the price indices remain provisional depends on the moment that the collectively negotiated (CAO) wage rates for the construction industry are definite. This period can vary from 4 to about 16 months after the period under review. Changes as of February 28th 2022: The figures of January 2022 are added to the table. When will new figures be published? Provisional figures for April 2022 will be published at the end of May 2022.
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