Climate Atlas — Theme Heat — People with intellectual disabilities in hardened neighborhoods

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
verstandelijke-beperking, hitte, klimaatatlas, verharding
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This map shows the percentage of the group with a slight intellectual disability/low literacy living in the most hardened neighbourhoods of the province of South Holland. This map shows only the neighbourhoods where at least 60 % of the neighbourhood is paved. In these neighbourhoods it is indicated which percentage belongs to the group with a slight intellectual disability/low literacy. The distribution of the group of light intellectual disability/low-literate is an expected* number of persons aged 19 years and older with a slight intellectual disability and/or low literacy in an independent household. When efforts are made to take climate adaptive measures in these neighbourhoods, it is advisable to pay attention to forms of communication that also reach this group, in order to make the necessary information accessible to them. Greening neighbourhoods with a lot of hardening can contribute to lowering the temperature, infiltration of rainwater and the habitability of the neighborhood. This card can help prioritise neighbourhoods where extra effort is needed, and where residents will need to be supported to green their neighborhood. The neighbourhoods in the province of South Holland that are less than 60 % hardened, and neighborhoods where less than 1 % people with intellectual disabilities live are not shown on this map.
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