Dataset information
coronavirus, leeftijdsgroep, gezondheid, sars-cov-2, infectieziekten, geslacht, overlijden, ziekenhuisopname, covid-19
Dataset description
File from week 40, 2021: COVID-19_casus_country
File until week 39, 2021: COVID-19_casus_country_tm
This file is no longer updated from version 5 (see below)
Available formats: .csv and.json
Source system: Osiris General Infectious Diseases (AIZ)
Description file:
This file contains the following characteristics per case tested positive in the Netherlands:
Date for statistics, Age group, Gender, Death, Week of death, Province, Reporting GGD
The file is structured as follows: A record for each laboratory confirmed COVID-19 patient in the Netherlands, since the beginning of the pandemic. As of 11 July 2022, these dates have been broken down (see description version 5). Only the file from week 40, 2021 is updated daily at 16:00 every working day, based on the data recorded at 10:00 a.m. in the national system for obliged infectious diseases (Osiris AIZ). The historical stock (until week 39, 2021) will no longer be updated from 11 July.
Description of the variables:
Version: Version number of the dataset. When the content of the dataset is structurally changed (i.e. not the daily update or a record level correction), the version number will be adjusted (+ 1) and also the corresponding metadata in RIVMdata (
Version 2 update (20 January 2022):
— In version 2 of this dataset, the variable “hospital_admission” is no longer available. For the number of hospitalisations, please refer to the registered hospitalisations of Stichting NICE (
Version 3 update (8 February 2022)
— From 8 February 2022 the positive SARS @-@ CoV @-@ 2 test results will be reported directly from CoronIT to RIVM. The test results of other test providers (such as Testing for Access) and healthcare institutions (such as hospitals, nursing homes and general practitioners) who enter their positive SARS-CoV-2 test results via the GGD GHOR Report Portal are also reported directly to RIVM. Notifications that are part of the source and contact sample and positive SARS-CoV-2 test results from healthcare institutions that are reported to the GGD via healthcare email are reported to the RIVM via HPZone. From 8 February, the date of the positive test result shall be used and no longer the date of notification to the GGD
Version 4 update (24 March 2022):
— In version 4 of this dataset, records have been compiled according to the municipality’s reclassification of 24 March 2022. For more information, see description of the Municipal_health_service variable.
Version 5 update (11 July 2022):
— From 11 July 2022, this dataset has been split into two parts. The first part contains the dates from the beginning of the pandemic until 3 October 2021 (week 39) and contains ‘tm’ in the file name. This data is no longer updated. The second part contains the dates from 4 October 2021 (week 40) and is updated every working day.
Date_file: Date and time when the data were published by RIVM
Date_statistics: Date for statistics; first day of illness, if not known, date lab positive, if not known, reporting date to GGD (format: yyyy-mm-dd)
Date_statistics_type: Type of date available for date for the variable “Date for statistics”, where:
Doo = Date of disease onset: First day of illness as reported by GGD. Please note: it is not always known whether this first day of illness really concerned Covid-19.
DPL = Date of first Positive Labresult: Date of the (first) positive lab result.
Don = Date of Notification: Date on which the notification was received by the GGD.
Agegroup: Age group in life; 0-9, 10-19,..., 90+; death < 50, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90+, Unknown = Unknown
Sex: Gender; Unknown = Unknown, Male = Male, Female = Female
Province: Name of the province (based on the patient’s place of residence)
Deceased: Death. Unknown = Unknown, Yes = Yes, No = No
Week of Death: Week of death. YYYYMM according to ISO-week notation (starts Monday to Sunday)
Municipal_health_service: GGD who made the report. From 24 March 2022, this file was compiled according to the municipality’s classification of 24 March 2022. The municipality of Weesp has merged into the municipality of Amsterdam. With this classification, the safety region Gooi- en Vechtstreek has become smaller and the safety region Amsterdam-Amstelland is larger; GGD Amsterdam has grown larger and GGD Gooi- en Vechtstreek has become smaller (Community classification on 1 January 2022 (
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