Demographic events; life in Parental Family, 1950-1980

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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The figures in the table refer to people from the aforementioned birth generations who lived in the Netherlands in 2008. The percentage is calculated on the total number of persons from the relevant birth period with characteristics such as sex and the ‘parent family situation’. For example, this table shows the percentage of people from a given birth generation who have ever had children with the parental family as a background variable before or at an age. The family is the context for the socialisation process: parents serve as a role model for children. In addition, children receive ‘from home’ social, economic and cultural resources. This table answers to the extent to which the context of the family has an impact on the demographic life cycle. At the heart of this table is: What demographic events have people up to and including a certain age experienced (at 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 years old)? Did this change for successive birth generations? Does it matter what the characteristics of the family in which they grew up? Demographic events relate to: —cohabitation (married or unmarried) —marriage —have children —come apart Data available for birth generations from: 1950 to 1960, 1960 to 1970 and 1970 to 1980. Status of the figures: All figures in the table are provisional. As this table has been discontinued, the figures are no longer definitive. Changes as of 11 August 2017: One-off, Family formation 2008 study. When are new figures coming? No longer applicable.
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