Dieldrin in the upper ground (0-10 cm) for various land-use-land combinations

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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gezondheid, gehalte, dieldrin, gewasbescherming, bodem
Quality scoring

Dataset description

What is there to see: Dieldrin content (Relative versus median) for upper ground (0-10 cm) for 5 land-use land-type combinations in the Netherlands. Comments on: The product is mainly used in arable farming. Although this plant protection product has been out of the market since 1984, concentrations are still found; the drug is persistent, i.e. it is poorly degradable. There is a background value in the form of a sum standard (together with aldrin and endrin), which is 15 μg/kg. What is the Value: warning effect. The reader sees how long these pesticides remain in the environment. Even if there is a policy to ban the sale, you are not yet out of it, because the remains of previous years are still in the environment. Important for: Ecological capital and ecosystem services. Diffuse soil contamination has an impact on the potential for exploiting ecosystem services.
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