Dikecoupures and shot beams booths

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
landschapsbescherming, landschapsbeheer, cultuurhistorie, dijken, cultuurlandschappen
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Dataset description

This file contains dikecoupures and shot beam houses located within the province of Groningen. Denominations are passages through sleeper dikes at ground level. The province of Groningen focuses on the preservation and possible restoration of landscape and culturally valuable dikes and the associated elements such as kolks, drinking caps, denominations and shot beam sheds. These mainly old sleeper dikes are characteristic of the Eemsdelta, the Oldambt and the Wadden Coast area. The old dikes can be affected by agricultural use, in particular by levelling and cracking grassland. Also the filling and closing of the bowls and drinking caps, and the breaking down of denominations and bulkhead sheds is a loss of the characteristic value. To prevent this, the Provincial Environment Regulation 2016 lays down rules for the protection of the old dikes and the related supporting elements. Schotbalken booths occur at the dikes in connection with the denominations, which can be closed with the beams in the bulkhead booth in case of a threat of high water. This file is part of the following files: dikes, kolks and denominations.
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