Earthworms in the Netherlands (abundance)

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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structuur, bodem, regenworm, diversiteit
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Dataset description

Earthworms belong to the giants of soil life, the so-called macrofauna. In the Netherlands about 25 species are known, but most of them are rarely observed. Some species it’s very common. Earthworms are divided into three groups, according to their food choice, behavior and prevention. For example, there are commuters, who make deep vertical corridors and plant residues. bring it to the ground. They increase the content of organic matter, improve the soil fertility and strengthen the moisture-regulating ability. There are also earthworms. they live just below the surface and the species that are deeper into the soil. The first group composts vegetable material and releases a lot of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium. The last group promotes aeration and stimulates microbial activity in the soil. Earthworms are sensitive for contamination and tillage, such as plows and manure injection. Earthworms play because of their behaviour and properties an important role in the structure of the soil. Most of the types of earthworms are found in dairy farming on the clay soils. Earthworms are crucial for: • nutrient balance • soil structure • degradation and storage of organic matter • storage and delivery of water • habitat and biodiversity
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