Employed labour force; position of employment, personal characteristics, region

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset description

This table contains figures on the working population by position in employment in the Netherlands, Belgium, Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia for various regional divisions. A breakdown by gender, age and educational level is available for the different classifications. The figures are compiled on the basis of the Labour-Force concept of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The ILO concept makes it possible to reflect the development of unemployment independently of changes in social legislation. This information was compiled in the context of an Interreg project within the programme Germany-Netherlands and Flanders-Netherlands to make cross-border labour market data available. Data available from: 2010 Status of the figures: The figures in this table are final. Amendments as of 22 June 2021: The age group 20-65 years has been added. The Dutch and Belgian figures for 2020 have been added. Changes as of 23 October 2020: The figures for 2019 have been added. Region GR322 has been removed. Changes as of 1 May 2020: The selection of nationality has been removed from the table. The subjects of self-employment with staff, self-employed persons and co-operating family members have been added. By applying an improved methodology for the Dutch figures, these have become more accurate. The Dutch figures on the level of education in this table have been corrected. This is a correction in the distraction of the level of education of persons who indicate that they have obtained a diploma abroad with a level similar to the higher education level. This group was wrongly awarded the level associated with an MBO2 training. The Belgian NUTS-3 region Verviers — German-speaking Community has been added. Changes as of 10 February 2020 The figures for the entire countries of the Netherlands and Belgium have been added. When are new figures coming? The new figures will be available in the third quarter of 2021.
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