Dataset information
Dataset description
This table shows the supply, transformation and the consumption of energy in a balance sheet. Energy is released — among other things — during the combustion of for example natural gas, petroleum, hard coal and biofuels. Energy can also be obtained from electricity or heat, or extracted from natural resources, e.g. wind or solar energy. In energy statistics all these sources of energy are known as energy commodities.
The supply side of the balance sheet includes indigenous production of energy, net imports and exports and net stock changes. This is mentioned primary energy supply, because this is the amount of energy available for transformation or consumption in the country.
For energy transformation, the table gives figures on the transformation input (amount of energy used to make other energy commodities), the transformation output (amount of energy made from other energy commodities) and net energy transformation. The latter is the amount of energy lost during the transformation of energy commodities.
Then the energy balance sheet shows the final consumption of energy. First, it refers to the own use and distribution losses. After deduction of these amounts remains the final consumption of energy customers. This comprises the final energy consumption and non-energy use. The final energy consumption is the energy consumers utilise for energy purposes. It is specified for successively industry, transport and other customers, broken down into various sub-sectors. The last form of energy is the non-energy use. This is the use of an energy commodity for a product that is not energy.
Data available:
From 1946.
Status of the figures:
All figures up to and including 2019 are definite. Figures of 2020 are revised provisional.
Changes as of 1 March 2022:
Figures for 1990 up to and including 2020 have been revised. The most important change is a different way of presenting the own use of electricity of power-generating installations. Previously, this was considered as electricity and CHP transformation input. From now on, this is seen as own use, as is customary in international energy statistics. As a result, the input and net energy transformation decrease and own use increases, on average about 15 PJ per year. Owner use of power production installations is now visible in the new topic ‘Own use of electricity and heat production’.
In the previous revision of 2021, the new sector blast furnaces was introduced for the years 2015 up to and including 2020, which describes the transformation of coke oven coke and coking coal into blast furnace gas that takes place in the production of pig iron from iron ore. This activity was previously part of the steel industry. With this revision, the change has been put back to 1990.
Changes as of 16th December 2021:
Figures for 2015 up to and including 2018 have been revised and the structure of table has been adapted. Major items are the following:
Blast furnaces have been introduced from 2015 onwards as separate sector and are not any more part of the iron and steel industry. Consequently, own use of the energy sector has increased about 10 PJ and final energy consumption has decreased about 10 PJ. These groups the energy products coke oven gas, blast furnace gas, natural gas and electricity. Another item is the shift of transformation output of other oil products in the chemical industry outside the petrochemical industry to indigenous production (0.4 to 4 PJ each year). Both items are intended to more completely fulfill the international methodological standards on energy statistics. Additionally, for 2015 up to and including 2018 a few other improved insights in the energy balance of individual companies have been incorporated.
When will new figures be published?
Provisional figures: April of the following year.
Revised provisional figures: June/July of the following year.
Definite figures: December of the second following year.
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