Dataset information
Dataset description
This table shows the supply, conversion and consumption of energy in balance form. Energy is released during the combustion of, for example, natural gas, oil, coal and biofuels. Energy can also be obtained from electricity or heat or extracted from nature, for example wind power or solar energy. In energy statistics, all these sources from which energy can be used are called “energy carriers”.
Energy can also be transferred from one energy carrier to another. In the energy statistics we call this “transposition”.
On the supply side of the balance sheet are the extraction of energy, the import and export, bunkering and the change in stock.
The consumption side represents consumption when converting into other energy carriers and final consumption.
Final consumption is the use of energy. After this, no useful energy carrier remains.
On the energy conversion, the table shows both figures on the use of energy carriers for conversion (the amount of energy used to make other energy carriers of it) and about the production of energy after conversion (the amount of energy produced from other energy carriers).
The energy balance describes the situation for five main sectors, namely the energy sector, industry, transport, households and agriculture, fisheries and services, and for several sub-sectors. There is a difference between the energy balance of the Netherlands and the energy balance by sector. It is not known by sector how large imports and exports are. However, it is known what the supply and deliveries are per sector. The energy balance therefore shows the balance of supply and delivery. This is equal to the balance of imports, exports and bunkers.
Companies and institutions are broken down by industry based on the 2008 Standard Business Classification (SBI 2008). Sectors starting with a letter or number are industries according to SBI 2008.
Data available:
From 1995 to 2013.
Status of the figures:
All figures up to the reporting year 2013 are final.
Changes as of 28 July 2015:
None, this table has been discontinued because a revision has been carried out for all years. This table is followed by ‘Energy balance’; supply, conversion and consumption’. See paragraph 3.
When will there be new figures:
No longer applicable.
Upon publication of further preliminary annual figures, the underlying monthly balance sheets remain provisional. The monthly balances of the energy carriers of natural gas, coal, electricity, petroleum products, petroleum raw materials and motor fuels are shown in separate StatLine tables (see at 3. Links to relevant tables and articles). When the final annual figures are published, the monthly balance sheets will also become final.
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