Energy consumption by businesses and households; It’s wet. Accounts 1995-2013

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset description

The energy bills show how much energy goes into the Dutch economy (import and extraction) and how much energy is consumed by the Dutch economy (domestic consumption and export). The energy flows within the economy are also made clear. A breakdown is made between the different energy products as well as the various producers and consumers of energy. Among other things, energy bills can be used to examine where the economy derives energy, which sectors consume the most energy, how important energy imports are for the economy and how efficiently energy is consumed. The energy bill distinguishes between gross and net energy consumption. Net energy is further broken down by different types of energy loss. Gross energy consumption is further broken down by energy obtained from the environment and energy purchased from third parties. Purchased energy is further broken down into different groups of energy carriers. Energy consumption is attributed to the various industries and to households. This data comes from the energy bills drawn up annually as part of the environmental accounts. Because the data in the environmental accounts are directly linked to the economic data in the national accounts, it is possible to quantify the impact of the economic performance of the Netherlands on energy consumption. Environmental indicators can be drawn up using the energy bills. For example, the use intensity of the various energy carriers can be determined for the Netherlands as a whole or per industry. The figures from the energy bills are consistent with the concepts and definitions of the national accounts and therefore deviate from the energy balance figures. Data available from: 1 995 to 2013 Status of the figures: Since this table has been discontinued, the data will no longer be definitively made Changes as of January 2021: None, this table has been discontinued because the data is outdated. When are new figures coming? This table is followed by Offering and using energy; energy carriers, households and businesses (NR). See paragraph 3.
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