Explosive remnants of war soil tax map The Hague

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset description

* ** description:** Due to the many acts of war during the Second World War, explosive remnants of war may have remained in the soil of the municipality of The Hague. The municipality of The Hague has investigated in which places CE may have remained. A historical study has been carried out for this purpose. Within such an investigation is searched in archives for events in the war that may have led to the abandonment of explosive remnants of war. Risk areas are defined on the basis of the research results and the relevant guidelines. The events (war acts) and risk areas are shown on map. The research report describes the events and the way in which the risk areas have been determined. The data are particularly important in carrying out ground-moving work, including digging in the ground, carrying out piling operations, installing sheet piling walls, probes, etc. Such work may lead to uncontrolled explosions when in contact with the explosive or vibration. In order to minimise this risk, additional research is needed in most cases within risk areas. The first step is to carry out a risk analysis. The ground stirrer is responsible for carrying out the follow-up research. * **cardviewer:** https://arcg.is/LfzrL * **metadata:** Extended metadata can be found in the spreadsheet “Metadata explosive war remnants of soil load map” in the dataset. * **source:** Municipality of The Hague * **target registration:** inventory * **coordinate system:** RDnew.
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