facilities wmo per period (details on request)

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset description

###Description of the Data * __Description:__ number of WMO indications per month by district, neighborhood, provider and type of care. * __ Opportunities:__ the data shows the indications, obligations and payments per month per district, neighbourhood and provider from 1-1-2 015 until the present. ###The data file contains the following fields: * __active__: Active care in the current period * __id_indication__: Encrypted number of the facility * __period__: Period to which the care relates. * __period_start__: The period in which the care began. * __period_end__: Period during which the care has ended. * __inflow__: Started care in the specified period * __in_period__: Active care in the specified period * __primo__: Active care at the beginning of the indicated period * __ultimo___: Active care at the end of the indicated period * __outflow__: End-of-care care in the specified period * __obligation__: Amount of the obligation in eurocents * __paid__: Amount of payment in euro cents * __provider__: The name of the healthcare provider * ___earth_care__: Nature of care, Natura or PCI * __agb_nr__: Unique number of healthcare provider * __assessment_type__: Type of review: new or reassessed * __coming__: Method of entry of the application * __dd_request___: Date of application * __dd_indication_begin__: Date of commencement of the right to the provision * __dd_indication_end__: End date of entitlement to the provision * __dd_research_notification__: Date of entry of medical data * __unit__: Unit in which the product delivered is indicated * __frequency__: Frequency in which the delivered product is indicated * __municipality__: Code of the supplying municipality * __main group_code__: Abbreviation of the main group of care provided * __id_decision___: Encrypted number of the decision taken * __indication_active__: Care is active in the current period: yes or no * __product__: Description of the delivered product * __product_code__: Abbreviation of the delivered product * __reason_withdrawal__: The reason the municipality has indicated why an indication has been withdrawn * __reason_withdrawal_code__: The code of the reason the municipality has indicated why an indication has been withdrawn * __arrange_code__: Code of the scheme covered by the product, WMO * __scheme_short__: Regulation covered by the product, WMO * __type_supply__: Type of supply * __type_supply_code__: Code of the type of supply * __reference_name___: Name of the referrer * __reference_type__: Type of referrer (e.g. general practitioner, school etc) * __volume__: Quantity in which the delivered product is indicated * __main group__: Type of care within the scheme * __product_category__: Category of product under the scheme * __profile__: The care profile within the group * __id_person___: Encrypted number of the BSN * __municipality__: Name of the supplying municipality * __residence__: The place of residence of the client. * __wijk_name___: The neighborhood in which the client resides. * __wijkteam_name__: The district team that the client falls under * __buurt_name___: The neighborhood in which the client resides * __postcode__: Postcode of the client * __house number__: Client’s house number * __timestamp__: Date of creation of the table
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