This table contains for the sector gardening companies (SBI '93 subclass
0141.1) the following year’s results:number of jobs of employed persons and
number of employees, operating result, operating income and expenses,
financial result, balance provisions and extraordinary result and
subdivisions thereof.
Data available from 2006-2008.
Status of the figures:
All the figures in the table are final.
Changes as of 1 September 2011:
This table does not go beyond results for the reporting year 2008.
Compiling the figures for 2009 is compared to
changed to two main sections in previous years:
— The 2008 SBI has been applied;
— The statistical unit has changed.
The above changes are so substantial that the results are not
similar to those of previous years and therefore started with a
new table from 2009 (see paragraph 3).
Changes as of 30 June 2009:
From the reporting year 2007 onwards, the questionnaire has been carried out by companies in
some changes have been made to the investigation.Up to and including
2006 became wage (cost) subsidies up to the (other) operating income
these subsidies will be deducted from 2007 onwards.
on the operating expenses. Because of the changes, the results for the year are
2007 is not quite similar to that for 2006. The effect of the
changes in operating income and operating expenses are for most
branches small.
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