Government; debt to debt securities and lender 1990-2013

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset description

This table contains data on government debt. The debt is divided into different debt securities. Of each debt instrument (type of financial instrument) the share of the various holders (money-givers) is indicated. The debt is presented in nominal value (the original amount of debt) and in market value (the value at which the debt can be traded in the relevant period). When determining the sovereign debt according to EMU definitions, the nominal value is used, in the National Accounts, the market value. The data in this table have been consolidated, i.e. the elimination of flows between them. As a result, the debts of the subsectors do not add up to the total government debt. Debts of, for example, the empire to the social insurers are part of the government’s debts. For the debt of the total government, they do not count, after all, they are debts that the government has to the government. The terms used are in line with the National Accounts. The National Accounts are based on the international definitions of the European System of Accounts (ESA 1995). To increase the accessibility of the table, in some cases more common descriptions are used instead of the terms from the National Accounts. The relevant National Accounts term is then mentioned in the notes. The data presented corresponds to the publications on the National Accounts and the EMU publications. Data available from: Annual figures from 1990 to 2013, quarterly figures from 2005 to 2013. Status of the figures: The figures in this table since 1990 are final. The most recent years have a (further) provisional character. As this table has been discontinued, the data will no longer be definitive. Changes as of 25 June 2014: None, this table has been discontinued. When are new figures coming? No longer applicable. This table is followed by Government; debt to debt securities and lender, nominal and market value. See paragraph 3.
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