In the period from 2010 to 2017, several national and municipal measures were taken on the own contribution of household support (HO). The municipality of The Hague wonders which groups of residents use domestic support and how this has developed in recent years. Municipality of The Hague has asked CBS Urban Data Center/The Hague to investigate this. By answering these research questions, the municipality gets a clearer picture of which groups of people support them and can base (future) policies on this.
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Operation and development of APIs are currently fully funded by company Apitalks and its usage is for free.
Yes, you can.
All important information such as time of last update, license and other information are in response of each API call.
In case of major update that would not be compatible with previous version of API, we keep for 30 days both versions so you will have enough time to transfer to new version. We will inform you about the changes in advance by e-mail.