Immigrants EU/EFTA; secondary migration target, socio-economic category

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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This table contains figures for EU/EFTA immigrants with a nationality of a country within the EU or EFTA who have come to the Netherlands. The data are broken down by gender, age group, derived migration target, nationality, socio-economic category and duration of stay. This table lists only immigrants who, at the time of immigration, were nationals of countries currently belonging to the European Union (EU) or the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). Immigrants from within the EU/EFTA do not need a residence permit from the IND. Immigrants from countries that joined the EU or EFTA in the period 1999-2021 are included in this table if the year of immigration is in or after the year of accession. Although the United Kingdom left the European Union from 31 January 2020, a withdrawal agreement continued to allow free movement of persons until 31 December 2020. This table therefore includes immigrants from the United Kingdom until 31 December 2020. This table examines for all EU/EFTA immigrants every year after their entry into the Netherlands whether they still live in the Netherlands and what kind of socio-economic category they belong to. This always happens on the same date. So for someone who came to live in the Netherlands on 12 February 1999, on 12 February 2000 it will be checked if this person is still there and information about his/her socioeconomic category is given. The selection Duration of stay shows for all years the original number of immigrants who came to the Netherlands in the year of immigration. The selection Socio-economic category shows whether someone is still present and what his/her main source of income is. The number of study migrants in the last published year (in this case 2020) is underestimated. For this year, only preliminary educational data are available. At the next update, the number of study migrants this year will be adjusted upwards. The reduction in the number of study migrants in 2020 compared to 2019 does not have to be entirely caused by the use of preliminary educational data. Another cause is the coronavirus pandemic and the associated measures, which led to a decrease in immigration in other categories (labour migration, family migration, asylum migration). Data available from: 1999 Status of the figures: The figures in this table are provisional. In the figures for the previous periods, information became known later. As a result, small deviations with previously published figures are possible. Amendments as of 30 June 2022: The preliminary figures for 2020 have been added. An additional length of stay has been added to the immigration years 1998 to 2019. When are new figures coming? The new figures for the period 2021 will be published in June 2023.
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