Dataset information
Dataset description
This publication provides insight into the developments of Dutch
companies with industrial production as their main activity. The data
these include overviews of the number of companies,
employment, operating income and operating expenses.
This table contains the data of large companies (with 100 or more active
people). The variables are classified by year and by classification of
economic activity according to the 1993 Standard Business Classification
However, this publication does not contain information on the category ‘Social’
work provision' (SBI code 36631), because the main activity here is not
industrial production concerns only the “offering of labour to persons”
those who have a disability have poor chances at the regular
the labour market. The data are included in a separate publication,
you can find a reference to this in paragraph 3 of this explanatory memorandum.
Data on all companies with industrial production as their main activity
they are also included in a separate publication. The description of the
variables in that table are less detailed, but the table contains
however, an additional breakdown by size of the companies (measured by the
number of persons employed).
The figures are also provided to the European Statistical Office
(Eurostat). Annual statistics are also an integral part of
overarching statistical overviews such as the National Accounts and
this is a source of policy and practice in the Netherlands.
Data available from: 2000
Status of the figures: the annual figures for 2000-2005 are final
Frequency: per year
When are new figures coming?
The publication in this form has been discontinued.
The statistical analysis which forms the basis of the results
the year 2006 is subject to a large number of changes compared to
previous years. For example, the questionnaire for companies related to the
to be submitted to research, substantially modified. The population is also
of companies, which describes the study, greatly modified as a result
a redesign of the CBS General Business Register.
As a result of these changes, the results of the year 2006 are not
similar to previous years. That’s why CBS has
chosen to start with a new table from the reporting year 2006 (see
paragraph 3).
Changes to previous version(s):
(Version July 2007)
As of statistical year 2005, structural changes have been made
in the interpretation of the source material of a
number of companies in SBI 22 (Drukkerijen & Publishing) and 244
(Manufacture of pharmaceutical products). A number of companies
has been included in the figures in a different way than in previous
years to stay consistent with other statistics and meet
to international guidelines. The corrections also work through
aggregates of which the above series are part of. The adaptations
are aimed at the description of the Dutch industry so
keep it purely possible.
(Version July 2006)
As of statistical year 2004, structural changes have been made
in the interpretation of the source material of a
number of companies in SBI DL (Manufacture of electrical and optical
instruments) and SBI 34 (Manufacture of cars, trailers and
In SBI DL (Manufacture of electrical and optical instruments) are
the research and development by third parties, including sales costs,
as of statistical year 2004, not comparable to 2003 and earlier.
In SBI 34 (Manufacture of cars, trailers and semi-trailers) are the
turnover principal activity and purchase value turnover as of statistical year 2004
not similar to 2003 or earlier.
(Version July 2005)
In SBI 23 (petroleum and coal processing industries; processing of
fissile and cultured materials) and SBI 24 (Manufacture of chemical materials)
industry) has a structural structure as of statistical year 2003
correction made in the observation of the item ‘energy consumption’.
The correction involves a shift in the value of purchased
raw materials and auxiliary materials by energy consumption. The part of the purchased
raw materials and excipients used for own energy generation,
for example, converting naphtha into gas for its own production,
it is considered as energy consumption. For comparability over time
of the figures in this table, the corresponding correction is also
implemented for the years 2000 to 2002.
(Version October 2004)
As a result of the availability of new information in the
published figures for the year 2002 in the section DL (Manufacture
of electrical and optical equipment and instruments) an adjustment
the variables “Research & Development by Third Parties” and
‘Other proceeds n.e.c.’ In the previous years, no
adjustments have been made to previous publications.
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