Key environmental figures; national Accounts, 2001-2013

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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This table contains key figures from the environmental accounts and the National Accounts. The contribution per industry to various environmental aspects such as greenhouse effect, acidification, environmental costs and environmental taxes is shown. Furthermore, some core variables have been included in the National Accounts, including gross value added and labour volume (number of employees’ jobs converted into full-time jobs). Environmental accounts are consistent with the concepts and definitions of the National Accounts. For physical material flows, this means that all flows directly related to the Dutch economy are described. The material flows are recorded for the individual economic activities at the place where they actually take place (the so-called ‘resident principle’). For example, all air pollutant emissions from Dutch carriers are taken into account for the Netherlands, but emissions from foreign vehicles on Dutch territory are excluded. For environmental accounts, source figures from environmental and energy statistics are used. However, the compilation of environmental and energy statistics is based on the ‘territory principle’: everything that takes place on Dutch territory. Because environmental accounts are consistent with the concepts of the National Accounts, environmental developments can be directly compared with macroeconomic developments in the Netherlands. Due to the different angle, the results may differ from indicators from the environmental and energy statistics. Data available from: 2001 to 2013. Status of the figures: The key figures table contains many different figures. For figures derived from the National Accounts: the most recent reporting year has provisional status, the penultimate reporting year has the status Nader Preliminary and the previous reporting year has the final status. Currently, all figures in the National Accounts for the years 2001-2010 still have provisional status. This has to do with the revision of the National Accounts, which inter alia connects to the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010). This revision has not yet been completed for the years before 2011. For figures from the environmental accounts, they are adjusted over a series of years to reflect revisions in the source statistics. This is to keep the alignment with environmental statistics as optimal as possible. Changes as of 8 June 2016: This table has been discontinued. When are new figures coming? N/A. This table has been discontinued.
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