Labour market situation young people (15 to 27 years old); region (classification 2020)

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset description

This table provides information on the labour market situation of all young people aged 15 to 27 in the Netherlands who were registered in the Basic Persons Register (BRP) on 1 October of the reference year. It indicates whether young people work, whether they go to school, whether they receive benefits and whether they are registered as jobseekers with the UWV Werkbedrijf. For young people in employment, a distinction is made between employees and the self-employed. The data can be broken down by various regional breakdowns (region, province, COROP, labour market region and municipality). The total number of young people (15 to 27 years) receiving benefits within this table is higher than in other StatLine social security tables. This is because the number of benefits for the whole month is counted instead of the situation being presented on the last Friday of the month. This table also covers all social security benefits relating to incapacity for work, sickness, unemployment or social assistance. The reporting period is the month of October of the reference year. Whether a person goes to school is determined on the basis of an enrolment in the education financed by the public authorities on 1 October of the reference year. The municipalities are classified according to the situation on 1 January 2020. Data available from 2005 to 2019. Data on whether or not registered as a jobseeker at the UWV Work Company will be available from 2018. In the predecessors of this table, data from the UWV Werkbedrijf (formerly CWI) were used for this purpose. Because this source was not continued in 2019, a switch was made to Registered Jobseekers UWV (GWU). However, these data are not available for the years 2005-2017. The figures refer to the situation in October of the year in question. Status of the figures: The figures for the years 2005 to 2018 in this table are final. The figures for 2019 are provisional. Changes as of 24 March 2022: None, this table has been stopped. Changes as of 4 March 2021: None, this is a new table. Compared to the predecessor of this table (see paragraph 3), the way registered jobseekers are determined has changed. Unfortunately, for the years 2005-2017, it is no longer possible to make a breakdown to registered or unregistered jobseekers at the UWV. Moreover, the 2018 figure is slightly different from the predecessor due to the use of this new source (see paragraph 3). When will there be new figures? No longer applicable. This table is followed by: Labour market situation young people (15 to 27 years old); region (classification 2021). See paragraph 3.
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