Medisch Specialistische Zorg; DBC's naar diagnose (detail)

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset description

This table shows the number of treatments (Diagnose Treatment Combinations, DBCs) within the medical specialist somatic care of all residents of the Netherlands registered in the population registers of municipalities. These are DBC care products that are registered in the DBC system. As of the reporting year 2014, these are only DBCs which are reimbursed from the basic package of health insurance. For the figures up to 2014, these are mainly (> 99.7 %) DBCs which are reimbursed from the basic package of health insurance. The table is based on the institutions’ registered DBCs of the initial and subsequent treatment pathways carried out. The care takes place in hospitals, independent treatment centres (ZBC) or another (categorical) institution and is carried out by or under the supervision of a specialist medical practitioner working in one of the twenty-seven specialisms that register DBCs and is the principal handler for the relevant DBC. The table shows the number of DBCs opened in the reporting year, the number of DBCs closed in the reporting year and the number of current DBCs (which were open at any point in the reporting year). The figures shall be broken down by diagnosis, age and sex. Data available from: 2008 Status of the figures: The figures for reporting years 2008 to 2018 in this table are final. Figures for the reporting year 2019 are provisional. Amendments as of 26 October 2021: — The figures for 2014-2016 (all topics) and 2017 (topic “closed DBCs”) have been replaced by final figures. — New figures have been added for 2017 (topics ‘open DBCs and ongoing DBCs’) and 2018-2019 (all topics) — The table uses a different source from 2017 onwards. Figures from 2017 onwards are based on DBC declaration data collected by Vektis, the research office of the collaborating health insurance companies. The figures from 2 008 to 2016 are based on the DBC Information System (DIS) of the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa). — In the case of “diagnoses by specialty”, “GR Total geriatric rehabilitation” has been moved to the bottom. Within the specialty “(GR) Geriatric rehabilitation care”, “GR4 Total amputations” is placed above “GR5 Total other”. The figures remain unchanged. — In 2012, for opened DBCs with specific neonatology codes in paediatric specialty, zeros were replaced by empty cells (cannot logically occur). When will there be new figures? Final 2019 figures and preliminary figures for 2020 are expected to come in the second quarter of 2022.
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