Dataset information
Dienst Terugkeer en Vertrek, Migratieketen, laissez-passer, Vreemdeling, Vertrek, DGVZ, TenO, Immigratie, reisdocument, Vreemdelingenketen, Immigranten, Asiel, LP, Vreemdelingen, Asielzoeker, Ministerie, DTenV, Justitie, Terugkeer, DTV
Dataset description
This data belongs to the ‘Reportation of Aliens Chain’ (until 2020) or ‘State of Migration’ (from 2020), chapter ‘Departure’, section ‘Identity identification and (replacement) travel documents’. Below you will find an updated substantive explanation of the data in the files. See chapter ‘Methodology’ for a number of aspects to be taken into account when interpreting the data. The ‘Reportation of Aliens Chain’ can be downloaded from the site
In order to be able to return, it is necessary for foreign nationals to have access to the country of origin. This can be done on the basis of a valid passport or a replacement travel document, usually a laissez-passer issued by the country of origin. Foreign nationals who no longer have the correct documents can, possibly with the support of the DT&V, apply for (replacement) travel documents from their diplomatic representation for self-departure.
However, some of the foreign nationals without lawful residence do not leave the Netherlands independently and are not willing to cooperate in establishing identity and nationality. For those foreign nationals, the DT&V asks the presumed country of origin to establish the nationality and to issue a (replacement) travel document for return. This is the so-called ‘laissez-passer process’. Countries with which a readmission agreement (T&O) has been concluded are subject to a readmission or readmission request. This is called the T&O process.
A request to establish nationality has three possible outcomes:
1) The authorities of the country concerned establish that the person concerned has the nationality of that country or otherwise has the right of residence in the country;
2) The authorities of the country concerned establish that the person concerned does not have the nationality of the country or that it cannot be confirmed;
3) The DT &Amp; V decides to withdraw the request.
Ad 1. As a general rule, a nationality established by the country of origin means that the country of origin also declares itself willing to issue a replacement travel document (laissez-passer). The DT&V asks the country of origin to provide a laissez-passer only on a scheduled flight. Subsequent residence procedures and, in the meantime, removal from the supervision of the Government of the Netherlands mean that not all established nationalities result in the actual issue of a laissez-passer and departure from the Netherlands.
Ad 2. This means that the person concerned is not a national or that nationality cannot be established on the basis of the information provided. Such an answer could guide the follow-up process. The reaction that the person concerned does not have the nationality of the country cannot, in principle, be imputed to that country. These are often cases in which foreign nationals themselves have not provided sufficient information to establish their identity and/or actually come from another country.
Ad 3. The DT&V may withdraw a request for a variety of reasons, for example because there is no response from the country of origin for a long time. In addition, it occurs that foreign nationals evade the supervision of the government or are still granted a residence permit.
When interpreting the data, there are a number of aspects that need to be taken into account.
— The individual tables do not form a cohort.
— All numbers are rounded to dozens. For privacy reasons, numbers smaller than 5 are not shown.
— Because the numbers are rounded to dozens, the addition of detail numbers may lead to deviations from, for example, the annual total. In the case of detailed rules with nationalities, the derogation may be significant. For this reason, the totals are also included in the file.
— Each line in the file contains at least a column ‘Total of’ and a number. The ‘Total of’ column shows the content of the number. For example, the line with ‘Year’ in the ‘Total of’ column indicates the annual total. The rows with ‘Year, Month’ in the ‘Total of’ column indicate the total number for each year and month.
— Always use only one ‘total’ per item to avoid double counting.
— The numbers mentioned in the ‘Reportation of Aliens Chain’ serve as a reference framework.
The stocks shall be published annually for the previous year. Files from previous years remain available and are no longer updated.
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