This table contains information on the relocation behaviour of the Dutch population aged 6 years or older in private households, i.e. excluding residents of institutions, establishments and homes. The table shows the number of journeys, distance travelled and travel duration on average per person, per day and per year. These are regular movements on Dutch territory including domestic holiday mobility. The distance travelled is determined on the basis of travel information according to the working method for regular passenger kilometres. Series displacements are not part of the regular relocations.
The movement behaviour is broken down by modes of transport, travel characteristics (e.g. time of departure and day on which the movement took place) and regions.
The figures are calculated with the research Onderweg in the Netherlands (ODiN). This is the successor to the study Moves in the Netherlands (OViN; 2010-2017). The ODiN has changed significantly in relation to the previous OViN in several respects and the investigations are therefore not closely comparable with each other.
Data available from 2018.
Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final.
Amendment as of 8 July 2022:
The 2021 annual figures have been added.
Amendment as of 10 February 2022:
As a result of an overhaul of the ODiN files, the overhaul has sometimes led to minor changes in the travel duration in the year 2019.
When are new figures coming?
The figures for the 2022 research year will be published in mid-2023.
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