Motor and automotive industries; turnover development, index 2015=100

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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This table provides figures on the development of turnover of the motor and car industry. The figures can be broken down by industry according to the Standard Business Classification (SBI 2008) of the CBS. These figures shall be uncorrected, adjusted working day and presented seasonally adjusted. The trend is shown as a percentage change from a previous period and by indexes based on the 2015 base year. Data available from the first quarter of 2005. Status of the figures: Figures for 2021 are provisional, the remaining figures are final. Changes as of 28 February 2022: The figures for the fourth quarter and year 2021 have been added. The figures for 2021 may have been adjusted. Changes as of 29 November 2021: Due to a technical error, incorrect indices and business day adjusted series had been published. These were the periods: all quarters of 2018, Q4 2019 and Q3 2020. For the unadjusted series, only the development in Q3 2020 was incorrect. Due to the correction of the technical error, relatively small corrections are published in the working day corrected series for the period 2005 to 2016. When will there be new figures? For quarterly statistics, the CBS publishes on the last working day of the second month following the quarter. Status of the figures: The figures for a calendar year shall become definitive no later than five months after the end of that calendar year. Due to fulfilled response, the figures may change until then and the status of ‘provisional’ is maintained. After publication of final results, the CBS adapts the results only if major adjustments and/or corrections are necessary.
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