Nitrogen dioxide measurements

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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stikstof, luchtkwaliteit, sensor, lucht, stikstofdioxide, NO2
Quality scoring

Dataset description

From 1 January 2010, air quality will be measured at 33 measuring points in Eindhoven. By doing it in so many locations, and because of the long-term nature of the measurements, we get a good picture of the development of air quality. In addition, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is measured, because it is a good indicator for all kinds of harmful substances in the air. NO2 concentrations are closely related to traffic. The dataset contains: — the location where it is measured, — the running average: the average of all measurements within the calendar year up to that moment, please note: this average has not been corrected with reference measurements, — the annual average (this is only visible at the end of the year), the (corrected) average of all measurements over the calendar year. The measurements take place at different distances along roads. This distance affects concentration to be measured. The weather also has a lot of influence. As a result, the concentration can change considerably in the event of constant traffic. It is only in the long term that we can see whether air quality really improves. The NSL Monitoring Tool is used for legal testing against the limit values, for determining measures and for making predictions. This is so agreed in the Netherlands. The limit value (allowed annual average concentration) for NO2 to 2015 is 60 (micrograms/m³). From 2015, the average annual concentration shall not exceed 40 (micrograms/m³). The individual measurements are transmitted and updated on the portal every four weeks. At the beginning of a year, the annual average of the previous year is entered. It concerns source data from real-time measurements of air quality in Eindhoven. Its use and interpretation requires expertise in air pollution and can only be done carefully by proper contextual interpretation. If you want to do that yourself, you do it on your own responsibility.
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