NWB Roads light is the NWB Roads on an aggregated level. The NWB Road Light can be seen as an extension of the route system associated with the product NWB Roads. It can therefore be used to link and present information (from tables) based on road number and hectometrering on the NWB. The use of the NWB Road Light requires some knowledge of the concepts of route construction and dynamic segmentation. The term light has been chosen because the level of detail of the network, from which the route system is derived, is greatly simplified compared to that of the standard route system. The network of the NWB Roads Light does not contain any connecting roads or complex intersections: each road is represented only by a single line and each intersection, however complicated, is represented by just one node. This set-up makes linking data very easy and is intended in particular for making middle-scale tickets, i.e. a district, management, province or the whole of the Netherlands. The algorithm used to build the NWB Roads Light uses the original hectopoints file of the NWB weighing and works globally as follows: based on the XY coordinates of the location of the hectometer poles of the main runway, the centre is determined. These points are then connected by a line for the road concerned and a route key is added (the number of the road). The NWB Road Light is made for all haectometrated (rich and provincial) roads in shape-format including route-key. For hectometrified municipal roads, this product is not (yet) possible. Mutations on the product are not supplied. In this context, the application of the NWB light to labour-intensive business processes and/or business-critical environments is not recommended.
NWB Roads:
The NWB Roads is a digital geographical file of all roads in the Netherlands. All roads managed by road managers such as the State, provinces, municipalities and water authorities are included, however, only to the extent that they have a street name or number. So also loose foot and cycle paths and unpaved roads, if marked with a street name, are included in the NWB Roads. If a road has separate lanes, which is especially the case with Rijkswegen, they are processed as separate sections in the file.
The NWB Roads file currently consists of more than 158,000 hecto points and more than 1 million digitised road sections with a total length of
almost 158,000 kilometres (measurement 2020). The NWB Roads are updated on a monthly basis.
More information and news about the NWB can be found at https://nationaalwegenbestand.nl/
Representatives of municipalities, provinces, water authorities and Rijkswaterstaat have started to design and organise the cooperation on the NWB. In the context of this further development of the NWB, we are happy to get in touch with you, the NWB user. We therefore ask you to send an email with your contact details to the following address:
[email protected]