Ordinance on Airport Decree Texel — Noise Contours Lden

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This file belongs to the Ordinance on Airport Decree Texel. Reference/proposal 241533/290750. On the basis of the fleet composition for the airport decision, a Lden noise calculation was carried out. As a result, the Lden values in the enforcement points and the location of the Lden contours remain unchanged from the values set in the transposition scheme. The Lden calculations for the transposition scheme and for the airport decision have the same import and therefore the same result. The 48, 56 and 70 dB(A) Lden contours were also determined from the Lden calculation. These Lden contours are the minimum requirements for the spatial constraints areas as laid down in the Civilian Airports Decree. The old spatial limitations of the designation decision, which were incorporated in the transposition regulation, were based on the noise measurement Bkl. The competent authority intends to continue to use the Bkl, in so far as it is outside the 48 dB(A) Lden sound contour, as a measure of spatial constraints. By including this 47 Bkl contour as an additional spatial restricted area, the same level of protection as under the transposition scheme will in principle apply.
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