Real-time fine dust monitoring

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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ILM 2.0, fijnstof, luchtkwaliteit, luchtmeetnet, Air Quality, airbox
Quality scoring

Dataset description

These real-time data for the purpose of particulate matter monitoring are updated every hour on Data.Eindhoven. For each sensor, the 10 most recent measurements are shown. Please note: the locations displayed in this data collection are determined by means of GPS/GNSS and included in the data flows of the sensors. These can therefore vary by measurement. In fact, the location may not be passed on temporarily. In that case, the sensor in question is not displayed correctly on the map. A more consistent view can be consulted via: [Locations Caireboxen Fine-monitoring — Eindhoven Open Data]( and in the viewer of TNO: <HTTPS://ILM2.SITE.DUSTMONITORING.NL/>. The sensors are placed within the framework of the regional measuring network. ‘The Regional Meetnet ILM2.0 is designed in such a way that a region-covering image of the air quality in South-East Brabant is obtained. PM1, PM2.5, PM10 and NO2 are measured at plus 50 locations. For the selection of measurement locations, the RIVM’s Large-Scale Concentration Map of the Netherlands in combination with the results of the 2018 NSL monitoring round was used. Based on this data, measurement locations with low, medium and high to very high particulate matter loads were selected. The individual point measurements are used to verify this expected concentration and make it possible to investigate air quality at regional level. Specific attention is given to urban air quality, the influence of livestock farming and the area around Eindhoven airport. <HTTPS://ODZOB.NL/MEETNET>. More information about the API can be found here: <> (for example, you can retrieve data for a specific timestamp (date and time)). Or consult the data in the TNO viewer: <>.( )
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