Rich; buy/sell government sector transfers to Benelux main function

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset description

The CBS collects, within the framework of the statistics of the public finances, data on size, composition and allocation of expenditure and income and balance sheet stocks of the empire. The government consists of ministries, budget funds and agencies. Ministries are mainly active in determining government policy. In the budget funds become multi-annual budgets or income made available for a special policy area. Agencies are entrusted with executive tasks. This table contains part of the results of the annual analysis of the national Finances: the destination of purchase and sale, interest, lease, results of assets, subsidies and transfers from the general government sector of the Empire. In the table, the data can be divided into: — transaction according to the European System of Accounts 1995; — main function according to the Benelux functional classification 1989. For the characterisation of the national expenditure and revenue by destination is up to statistical year 2005 used the Benelux functional classification 1989. In 2002, for the classification by destination, the European Commission Classification of Functions of Government 1998. Since 2003 is a continuous comparable series of purchases and sales, interest, leases, results of assets, subsidies and transfers of the sector government of the Empire available on the basis of this new classification. Data available from: 1997 Frequency: discontinued Status of the figures: Figures up to 2005 are definitive data. Changes compared to the previous version: Data on a new period have been added and/or adjustments it’s done. When are new figures coming? Preliminary annual figures shall be nine months after the end of the reporting period set. The figures can be adjusted on the basis of the availability of new or updated source material and basis of reconciliation with the figures in the National Accounts. Because of this the figures have a provisional character for quite some time. There will be successively connected to the further provisional and final annual estimate of the National Accounts. These annual estimates come available in year t+ 2 and t+ 3 respectively. In general, the adjustments are small in size. The adjustments are carried out on the moment a new annual figure is added to the series.
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