Dataset information
huisaansluiting, Riolering, ontstopping, putten, ontstoppingsstuk, rioolputten, riool, verstopping, Rioolaansluiting, rioolstreng
Dataset description
This data collection includes connection lines from kolks and houses to the main sewer, as well as the geometry of the sewer strands and wells of the main sewer. The data related to connections can also be retrieved using a web feature service: <HTTPS://DATA.RIOX.NU/GEOSERVER/EINDHOVEN/WFS>
**Do you want to measure distances in the map?** This can be done in the ArcGIS viewer: click [**here**]( to go to the viewer.
(Click to measure on the ruler on the right.)
**A number of points of interest:**
This data collection contains a large amount of line pieces, to view them all you need to zoom in for performance reasons.
Home fittings, some Connection pipes house connection, and Wells are of origin points that are displayed as closed line object in the map.
The house connections (both connection pipes and fittings) are not yet complete for the whole of Eindhoven, these are added per area at the time of writing.
The SOORT attribute can be inferred whether it is a component of the main sewer, a well, or data relating to home connections.
**Principal sewer**
The location of the main sewer is only for reference. The available categories are: Mixed water, Rainwater (heaven water), Dirt water, Dirt water + roof surface.
** Wells**
Of the wells is only for reference the name of the well and the location.
**Home connections**
The connection pipe and the associated attachment have been made clear of the house connections.
For “Home fittings” the following attributes are regularly available: Address (address to which the attachment applies, this attribute is not always filled), PLAATS (should always be Eindhoven for these dates, it is not Eindhoven, then a fault), STELSEL (system to which the attachment is connected), DIAMETER (diameter of the attachment in millimetres, if 0 than unknown), MATERIAL (material of the attachment), the initial well and end well (votes corresponding to the PUTNAAM of a sewer well from the main sewer, this attribute is not always filled), well distance (distance attachment to the starting well, this attribute is not always filled), DIEPTE (but sporadically filled, “-” or empty when unknown), YEAR (year of construction, not always filled), DATUM (placement date in file, not always filled), NLCS (object type according to Dutch CAD standard, not always filled), REFERENTION (this attribute is not always filled), and TYPE (whether it is a blocking piece or an inlet attachment).
The following attributes are available for “connection pipes home connection”: Address (address to which the attachment applies, this attribute is not always filled), PLAATS (should always be Eindhoven for these dates, it is not Eindhoven, then a fault), STELSEL (system to which the attachment is connected), DIAMETER (diameter of the attachment in millimetres, if 0 than unknown), MATERIAL (material of the attachment), the initial well and end well (votes corresponding to the PUTNAAM of a sewer well from the main sewer, this attribute is not always filled), put distance (distance attachment to the starting well, this attribute is not always filled), DIEPTE (but sporadically filled, “-” or empty when unknown), YEAR (year of construction, not always filled), DATE (placement date in file, not always filled), NLCS (object type according to Dutch CAD standard, not always filled), REFERENCE (this attribute is not always filled).
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