Sun potency fields

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
zonnepanelen, energie
Quality scoring

Dataset description

In this map layer imaginable locations for solar panels are indicated in field setup. These are small areas (between 0.5 and 1.0 hectares), medium-sized areas (between 1.0 and 3.0 hectares) and large areas (3.0 hectares and larger). On display are grass and arable land outside the buildings, excluding areas belonging to Natura2000. For each location it is indicated what the placeable shade-free solar PV power is, starting from shade-free fields and 0.65 MWp power per hectare of land. The expected annual kWh yield is also indicated (900 kWh/kWp), as well as the number of households that can be supplied with this yield (3.300 kWh/household). The selection of locations is explicitly not made based on political preferences or guidelines of municipalities or provinces, for example regarding the (im)desirability of solar fields on agricultural lands. Future enlargement (1) We are working on a display of the map layer containing relevant network data. In concrete terms, this concerns the distances from conceivable locations to the medium voltage grid or the nearest sub-, control or switching station. Future enlargement (2) We are also working on displaying the map layer containing solar radiation data at the conceivable locations for solar panels in field setup. This makes the shadow effect of objects visible on and around the terrain.
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