Thanks — transport routes by water — sea

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
clearways, scheepvaart
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The map shows the international traffic separation system for shipping on the Dutch Continental Plat (NCP) as part of the function of water in the supply of transport. The Dutch Continental Plat (NCP) is one of the world’s busiest seas. The Netherlands as a trading nation depends on the transport of goods. The most important part of this takes place via waterways and across the North Sea. The North Sea is an important link in shipping routes and serves as a link between Europe and other world markets. The sea and inland waterways make transport possible in a large-scale and relatively inexpensive way. Across the North Sea there is an extensive network of international shipping routes and channels, the traffic separation system, which aims to manage shipping traffic properly. Originally meant to increase safety, the traffic separation system also serves as an instrument for spatial planning at sea and for the protection of the marine environment. The traffic separation system ensures that the ships can maintain an optimal, safe distance from each other, to oil and gas platforms and to other objects such as wind farms. Opposite traffic flows towards the ports are separated and large tankers sail via the “deep water route”, further out of the coast. Recreational sailing is not allowed to use this route. Rijkswaterstaat supervises and supervises traffic at sea. At sea, conflicts with other uses may occur such as setting up areas with protective status, reservation of areas for offshore power generation, and oil and gas exploration and production.
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