The dead; cause of death (diagnosis format VTV) 1950-2017

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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Dataset description

The figures in this table are derived from the Death Causes Statistics of the Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS) in combination with the Public Health Future Exploration (VTV) diseases of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). This table was created for the RIVM Health website and contains data on the number of deceased (absolutely and per 100,000) by gender, age and cause of death. The figures show the mortality of diseases from the selection of VTV diseases (version 2015) supplemented by mortality per ICD main group. In all cases, the causes of death can be directly related to the ICD10 classification (at the level of three-character ICD10 categories). For better comparability over time, in addition to the gross number of deceased, the number of deceased persons has been standardised according to the population composition of 2010. This table has been discontinued. See CBS StatLine causes of death tables for similar figures (left in paragraph 3). Data available from: 1950 (CBS causes of death statistics) and 1996 (VTV diseases) Status of the figures: Until 2016 final, 2017 provisionally. Changes from 03-06-2022: None, this table has been discontinued. When are new figures coming? No longer applicable.
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