Water boards; budget, revenue levies 2009-2017

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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This table provides data on the yield of the water board levies. Water authorities impose these levies in order to finance their activities. The main tasks are flood defence (flood prevention), water management (the provision of the right water level for agriculture, nature, residents) and the care of water quality. Some water boards also manage roads and waterways. The water board levy system was amended in 2009. Until 2008, the costs of flood defence, water management and (marine) road management were paid out of so-called transfer charges. Care for water quality was financed from the water pollution charge. As of 2009, the transfer charges and part of the ‘old’ water pollution charge have been incorporated into a new water system levy. The remaining part of the water pollution charge, intended for wastewater treatment, is from now on called treatment levy. For direct discharges to surface water, a water board may impose a pollution charge in the new system. In road management, a water board may choose to set a separate road charge or to pay the cost of this task from the water system charge. The data in the table come from the budgets established by the water boards prior to the reporting year. Data available from 2009 to 2017. Status of the figures: The figures for the most recent period are provisional. These figures will become final at the time of publication of the next period. If changes occur, this is due to the availability of new or updated data. Changes as of 20 February 2018: None, this table has been discontinued. The classification of water boards was last revised on 1 January 2017 and counts 21 water boards from that date. The Limburg Water Board was added as of 2017 and was created by a merger of Waterschap Peel and Maasvallei with Waterschap Roer and Overmaas. For a complete overview of water boards and mutations, see paragraph 3: Overview of the population of water boards 2004-present. When will there be new figures: No longer applicable.
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