Water management limit

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2022.11.03 00:00
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Dataset description

Official water management border between RWS North Sea and the coast RD?s. This stock limits the area where RWS North Sea has water management. The competent authority of RWS North Sea with regard to the Wvo and the WVZ is linked to the water management limit. Both laws have been incorporated into the Water Act since 22 December 2009 and are subject to water quality management. In addition, the water management border in BKN and NIS dashboard determines the number of km² of water under management of RWS North Sea. The water management border between RWS North Sea and the other coast RD?s is as follows description: — along the coast, the dune footline or outer line is maintained in accordance with the Water Act — at port mouths, the border runs according to a straight line between the lights on the heads of the port heads — straight baselines in the sea holes (without port mouth) detained as laid down in the Borders Territorial Sea Act — in sea holes where no straight baseline is available, a straight line becomes chosen in such a way that as far as possible the continuous coastline arrested (e.g. De Kerf and De Slufter) — the EEMS Dollard Convention Territory is wholly managed by RWS The North of the Netherlands — the area between 3 and 12 miles north of the EDV area (EN claim) is entirely under the management of RWS North Sea The water management border between RWS North Sea and the coast RDs is adjusted as change one or more parts of the above description.
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