Young people in welfare families; 0 to 25 year olds, region 2022

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Provided by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

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This table provides information on the number of young people aged 0 to 25 living in a welfare family. For the demarcation of a welfare family, assistance benefits under the Participation Act or assistance-related benefits under the Act on income provision for older and partially incapable of working unemployed workers (IOAW), the Act on income provision for older and partially disabled former self-employed (IOAZ), the Decree on self-employed assistance (Bbz) and the Work and Income Artists Act (WWIK). Benefits under the Temporary bridging scheme for self-employed entrepreneurs (Tozo) are not included in this table. De Tozo provides self-employed persons with additional livelihoods and a loan for working capital to cope with liquidity problems caused by the coronavirus crisis. This table shows standing figures (31 December of the reference year) for young people growing up in a welfare family or welfare families, with a breakdown by region (e.g. municipal level), type of household and the age of the youngest child in the household. In order to show how young people in the Netherlands are doing, the National Youth Monitor describes more than 70 topics in addition to this topic. The topics are called indicators. Data available from 2007. Status of the figures The figures for all years are final. Amendments as of 17 June 2022: None, this is a new table. The method of demarcating assistance families was revised in 2021. Previously, only persons with general assistance and BBZ were included. The new demarcation also includes the assistance-related benefits IOAZ, IOAW and WWIK. In addition, the new demarcation states more precisely that it concerns the parent of the child receiving social assistance. Previously, regardless of the position in the household, a person was established that he/she lives in a particular household. If someone in that household had a welfare allowance, the children in the same household belong to a welfare family. The new demarcation examined whether there is a parent-child relationship within a household and on that basis it was determined whether a child belongs to a welfare family. The figures were calculated retroactively using this new delimitation for the previous years. When are new figures coming? New figures are expected in the third quarter of 2023.
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