Avalanche — areas of care

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.06.18 00:00
Available languages
NVE, Norge digitalt, National, geologi, skrednett, nasjonal skreddatabase, slide, ras, susceptibility, snøskred, snø, snow, avalanche, aktsomhetsområde, aktsomhetskart , aktsomhet, utløsningsområde, utløpsområde, NGI, Norges geologiske undersøkelse, skred, geodataloven, fellesDatakatalog, Inspire, beredskapsbase, Det offentlige kartgrunnlaget, Norge, Samfunnssikkerhet, modellbaserteVegprosjekter, Natural risk zones, NGU
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Care areas for avalanches are a national map series that shows potentially avalanche-prone areas (actuality areas) at the overview level. The maps show potential release areas and exit areas for avalanches. it should be noted that the areas covered by triggering areas in practice are also outlet areas, as landslides that loosen at the very top of a release area move through below release areas before reaching the outlet areas below. When using the data set for analysis purposes, as a general rule, both release areas and outlet areas should be used together.\\nActive areas are identified using a data model that, based on slope on the terrain, recognises terrain where the release of avalanche is possible. From each trigger area, the expiry range is automatically calculated. Fieldwork has not been carried out by delimitation of the areas, and the effect of local factors (e.g. forests, terrain details, safeguards carried out, etc.) has therefore not been assessed. \\N\\nActivities do not apply to avalanche hazards associated with southern landslides.
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