Emergency ports

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.03.20 00:00
Available languages
forvaltningsstatus, Samferdsel, iua, Strandsettingsplass, geodataloven, nødhavnnummer, Nødhavn, Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units, lenkeFaktaark, Oljevern, fellesDatakatalog, Hele landet, uuid, kopidato, fylke, lokalisering, Oljevernberedskap, NødhavnSupertype, Norge digitalt, Kystverket, Svalbard, kategori, Strandsetting, National, modellbaserteVegprosjekter, kommune, Norske sjøområder
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The data set contains a description of the Norwegian Coastal Administration’s pre-evaluated emergency port locations that are included in the Norwegian Coastal Administration’s emergency preparedness plan. These locations are considered the most relevant places to put vessels in need to avoid or limit acute pollution. The data form part of the Norwegian Coastal Administration’s decision support tool for use in situations where there is a risk of, or entered, acute pollution. In each situation, however, every place is a possible port of emergency. Emergency port categories: The emergency port locations are divided into three categories. Category 1: Emergency ports particularly suitable for the largest vessels (tank vessels and large bulk carriers). Emergency ports in category 1 will primarily be needed in connection with outer fairways where tankers sail, as well as access to oil terminals and other ports where tankers and product tankers run. It can also be used by other traffic in the area. Dimensioning sizes (meters); Length: 330, Width:60, Depth:18 Category 2: Emergency ports for the expected traffic in the area. First of all vessels over 5,000 BT. Dimensioning sizes (meters); Length: 200, Width:25, Dypgående:10,5 Category 3: In some of the Norwegian Coastal Administration’s regions, a third category has been introduced with a maximum ship length of 120 m and a maximum width of 15 m. The maximum sailing depth is then assessed in each case, depending on local conditions, in order to make a safe approach. Dimensioning sizes (meters); Length: 120, Width:15
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