Expertiseplus work

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.07.29 00:00
Available languages
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Statistics on grants for courses in reading, writing, accounting, Norwegian and digital and oral skills through Kompetanseplus’s work. Enterprises in Competanseplus’s work per county Projects in Kompetanseplus’s work broken down by skills Project applications and projects granted by skills, years and call for proposals Businesses who have applied for funding, which have applied for funding, distributed by industry, year and call for proposals Businesses who have applied for funding, distributed by the company’s county, year and call for proposals Demanded and granted amount, divided by year and call for announcement Unique participants, by gender Participants, divided by age, type of course, year and announcements and initiatives Participants, divided by educational background, course type, year and announcements and initiatives Participants and participations Participants and women’s share, divided by course type, year and announcements and initiatives Participants and the proportion of minority language, divided by course type, year and callouts and initiatives Explaining Deployment information can be found by clicking on & in the menu bar above each table. In the menu bar, you can also choose whether to retrieve the source, view the statistics as charts, export the data to Excel or pdf, and copy the link to the specific view of a table or chart. See where you're doing on our help page. If you have any questions about the tables, please contact Kristine Bettum at [email protected] .
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