Land resource map — FKB-AR5 — Ground conditions

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Dataset information

Country of origin
1.01.01 00:00
Available languages
Arealressurs, geodataloven, Grunnlendt, Blokkmark, Norge digitalt, Jordekke, Landbruk, Jordlag, fellesDatakatalog, Organisk, Arealtype, Jorddekt, Arealdekke, Land cover, Grunnforhold, Norge, Fjell
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Ground conditions are a map layer or property with separate presentation rules in the national data set AR50. The property provides information on the thickness, type and extent of the soil cover in all areas below the forest limit on a scale of 1:5000. The map layer is a layer of map in the dataset AR5 — land resource map on a scale of 1:5000. The data set is adapted to use on scales from 1:5000 to 1:20 000. AR5 is derived from the earlier fields in Economic Mapping. The property to be used to produce the map layer is called ARGRUNNF in SOSI format and ground conditions in gml and gdb format. Legal property values according to the code list are: 45 — Organic soil layers; 44 — Earth cover; 43 — Reasonable; 42-Mountains of the day; 46 — Constructed; 41 — Blockmark. Area less than two acres is usually not separated as a separate figure. Agricultural land is separated down to 0.5 acres. The requirement for location accuracy is two meters. Area in square meters is listed under AREA_C. Municipalities are responsible for continuous updating. NIBIO makes periodic updates every 4-7 years. Data is downloaded municipally. There is no need to download the data set more than once to produce all the map layers in the dataset.
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