Loose masses

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.09.10 00:00
Available languages
Grunnvann, National, fellesDatakatalog, Geology, Resipient, Løsmasser, Arealplan, ØkologiskGrunnkart, Grunnvarme, modellbaserteVegprosjekter, Løsmasse, Jordarter, Infiltrasjon, Inspire, geodataloven, Geologi, Grus, Hele landet, Naturforvaltning, Det offentlige kartgrunnlaget, dataNorgeNo, Sand, Norge digitalt
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The loose mass data mainly shows the extent of loose mass types covering the mountain surface. Most of the loose masses were formed during and after the last ice age. The data show only which soil dominates in the upper meters of the terrain surface. Thick and thin layers of other soils may appear further down the soil profile. The data basis for the theme soils is based on the content of quaternary geological maps (loose maps), which are available analogously on several scales (mainly M 1:250,000, 1:50.000 and 1:20,000). The data set is nationwide and represents the best loose mass registrations in the database. The maps are converted to digital form using scanning and vectorisation. Theme codes and properties mainly follow the SOSI standard. The property table of the map provides information about the type of soil, and based on the characteristics of the soil species, derived themes have been developed. This can be infiltration genecaper and groundwater potential. The conditions also facilitate later development of topics of interest in waste disposal, land conditions and telecommunications hazards. The subject matter should not be regarded as absolute, but is only a guideline. Local conditions and variations may contribute to the diversion should be different than stated. Local investigations are therefore recommended before interventions based on diversion are implemented.
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