Dataset information
Available languages
Det offentlige kartgrunnlaget, dataNorgeNo, NADAG, fellesDatakatalog, Geologi, geodataloven, modellbaserteVegprosjekter, Norge digitalt, geotekniske borehull
Dataset description
NGU has developed the National Database for Ground Surveys (NADAG) with associated map services and possibilities for uploading data, initially for geotechnical surveys. The NADAG development project is a collaboration between NGU and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Bane NOR, and the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, and the consultants Norkart, Trimble and CGI. The points in the map represent geotechnical boreholes (GB), where metadata is displayed (e.g. drill type, contracting company, client, location (position), drilled depth (or depth to rock), report no.). For some points, more information will be available (e.g. link to report and possibly to raw data, drilling profile and measurement results). The NADAG model is based on a data structure described in the SOSI standards for Geosciences and Geotechnical Surveys.NADAG is incorporated into the list of datasets to DOK.
NADAG’s viewing service has two transparency solutions. Mobile version is similar to the other map views of NGU. In the menu on the right side, you can click on “Go to NADAG full version” (you then keep the map view). NADAG is nationwide and will gradually be filled with more data as data owners deliver their data. Data can be delivered to NADAG in two ways: through the tool GeoSuite toolbox (complete datasets, preferred way), or through NADAG WebReg (mainly metadata and pdf reports). All data contained in NADAG is freely available to all and is downloaded free of charge. There will be varying amounts of information associated with each data point, which will depend, among other things, on the format the data is handed over, and the data owner’s willingness to publish data beyond displaying metadata only. Available reports (pdf) can be downloaded from NADAG’s infosheet. Otherwise, data can be downloaded in GeoSuite format. We work with download solution for other formats (e.g. SOSI, shape, GML, etc.). You can also use NADAG’s WMS.
NADAG and contributors are not responsible for the individual’s use of the datasets. The data sets and reports were made for specific purposes/projects. Anyone who uses data for new purposes/projects must make their own and independent assessments of the quality, suitability and validity of the data. When using data, refer to the report/data owner. The data set is made available under the Norwegian License for Public Data (NLOD). By starting the NADAG Online Service, you agree to these Terms of Use.
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