Dataset information
Available languages
time table information, real-time, reiseplanlegging, reiseplanlegging, rutetider, rutetider, journey planning, sanntid, sanntid
Dataset description
Entur was established in 2017 to gather information about public transport services all of Norway in order to promote collective travel more accessible.
We maintain a self-service database where the Norwegian public transport companies independently upload data whenever there are changes in their services. This means our datasets are constantly in flux and kept up to date.
Entur provides datasets that cover time table information, stop places, and real-time information which is made available as downloadable files, subscriptions or API's. The sources are the public transport companies themselves; Agder kollektivtrafikk, AtB, Bane NOR, Brakar, Bygdøyfergen, Farte, Flytoget, Flåmsbana, Forsvarsbygg, Fram, Go Ahead, Go Fjords, Kolumbus, Kringom, Nordland fylkeskommune, Norgesbuss flybusser, NOR-WAY Bussekspress, Innlandstrafikk, Ruter, SJ, Skyss, Snelandia, TIER, Troms fylkestrafikk, Unibuss, Vestfold kollektivtrafikk, Voi, Vy, Zvipp, and Østfold kollektivtrafikk. The dataset also includes data from a number of operators integrated into the services of the above-mentioned sources.
Objective: The mandate and responsibility of Entur is to continuously make available Norwegian public transport data.
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