Nature types — DN Handbook 13

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.01.01 00:00
Available languages
forvaltningsplan, bmHevdstatus, forvaltningsavtaleInngått, fellesDatakatalog, linkForskriftUtvalgtNaturtype, ØkologiskGrunnkart, modellbaserteVegprosjekter, Natur, Norge digitalt, naturtypeUtforming, National, Det offentlige kartgrunnlaget, BmNaturtypeTillegg, registreringsdato, naturtype, BmNaturtypeGrense, Habitats and biotopes, bmUtvalgtNaturtype, BmNaturtype, Fellesegenskaper_Naturtype, forvaltningsavtaleUtløper, bmVerdi, forvaltningsavtale, bmAndel, geodataloven, faktaark, omradenavn, Biologisk mangfold, naturtyper, Norges fastland, Inspire
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The dataset shows nature type localities on land and in freshwater, mapped according to DN handbook 13. The individual locality is registered with a habitat type, which can be recorded in more detail in the form of layouts. Each type of habitat is described in DN handbook 13, based on the current description of the threatened vegetation type(s) that will normally be included. Red-listed habitats from 2011 have been added as a habitat type or designation with the same designation as used in the Red List. Each registered locality is given a natural scientific value, based on state and biodiversity. The locations have a more or less extensive area description. Precision in delimitation is variable, which also results from the fact that requirements for precision have changed over the years. In general, newer data will be more precise than older data, but the data set also contains older data with good precision.
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