The Labour Inspection Authority’s statistics on supervision per industry

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.01.22 00:00
Available languages
Arbeidstilsynet Arbeidsmiljø Arbeidshelse HMS Statistikk Tilsyn
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Dataset description

The social responsibility of the Labour Inspection Authority is given by the Storting. The Labour Inspection Authority shall set the premises for and follow up that the enterprises maintain a high level of health, working environment and safety. The Labour Inspection Authority shall, on a professional and independent basis, follow up that the enterprises fulfil their responsibilities under the Working Environment Act, the general application legislation and other relevant regulations that are assigned to the Authority of the Labour Inspection Authority. In the statistics you will find an overview of supervision carried out by the Labour Inspection Authority from 2015, divided by year, county, main industry and size of business. Here is also an overview of the proportion of supervision that has resulted in at least one reaction from the Labour Inspection Authority, and the number of reactions in total. A reaction is the Labour Inspection Authority’s requirement for businesses to rectify breaches of working environment regulations. Note that such violations may be of varying severity. The open data set consists of: Annual figures (Ar), County name (Pylke), main sector area (Main area), Nutrition (Nearing), Nutrition group (Naring main group), Industry group (Naring group), Number of audits carried out (Number of Supervisions), Number of audits of reaction (Number ofReactions), Number of reactions (NumberReactions)
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