Uninterrupted nature in Norway

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2018.01.01 00:00
Available languages
Norge digitalt, fellesDatakatalog, Natur, modellbaserteVegprosjekter, Inngrepsfri natur, Åpne data, Norges fastland
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The dataset shows which areas in Norway (except Svalbard and Jan Mayen) are not affected by heavier technical interventions as of 1988, 2008, 2013 and 2018. Intervention-free nature is areas that are one kilometre or more in the airline away from heavier technical interventions such as roads, larger power lines, railways, watercourse interventions etc. The data that form the basis for the maps are taken from a number of national registers, including from NVE, Statnett and the Norwegian Mapping Authority. The data set also shows which areas have been changed as a result of new interventions in the period 1988-2018, 2008-2018 and 2013-2018. Intervention-free natural areas are an established land use indicator that shows the status and development of large cohesive natural areas in Norway. Development in the area of non-interference natural areas is also one of eight indicators under the national environmental goal 1.1 Diversity of nature: The ecosystems must be in good condition and provide ecosystem services.
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